Monday, December 10, 2012

Date Night

I will try to keep all my posts about relationships and love and romance since that's the business I'm in, but I'm sure life will get in the way sometimes.  If there is every anything that gets to be too intimate I will let you know first with a TMI alert so don't read anything after that if you dont want to know about my sex life or the lives of others as we will have guest posters from time to time we we do product reviews on wednesdays (hump days).

A little more about me. I am 24 years old and have lived in the Dallas area all my life. I am married to an amazing man who takes really good care of me. We got married in June 2011 and still feel like newlyweds. We just bought a house in McKinney and its pretty much amazing. My brother in law lives with us while he is trying to get on his feet after graduating college. My boring day job is in financial aid for a community college district and I hate my job but I love my coworkers. Someday though, I'm hoping to get out of there. Who knows, if my PR business takes off I might actually just do that full time!

As I said before, my husband and I still feel like newlyweds. I think the biggest reason for that is Date Night. No matter what, once a week we try to have a night just to ourselves either out or with a movie at home. It gives me a reason to shave haha (with my Coochy;) ).  Last night we went to Studio Movie Grill and saw Skyfall. SMG used to be one of my faveortie places to go see movies but I think they have gotten too big for their own good. I mean it is nice that we can pick our seats so we know we will all be sitting together and where on the screen we will be. but paying $20 for a pitcher of shiner and $10 for a mushy black bean burger is just not right! The movie was good, I mean who doesn't like looking at Daniel Craig for 2.5 hrs, but as for it being a Bond Movie it wasnt that great. I feel like it didn't fit witht he previous DC bond movies and it went a totally differnt direction. But it was nice to get out of the house and have a date night. We doubled with my brother in law and the girl he is dating. We were supposed to go see the christmas lights in Addison but bythe time we got out of the movie my husband was too tired to contiue our night out. Guess we will just have to save that for another date night.:)

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