Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gone with the Wind

So last night I passed out way too early (like 5 oclock) and found myself wide awake at 9. So what do I do? Put on one of the most amazing movies ever, "Gone with the Wind." Say what you will about the movie but I'm just drawn in by the two amazing love stories.

Everyone knows the love story between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler.  It is fierce passionate love that you think will overcome all. However, Rhett loves Scarlett so much and puts up with all of her crap just to walk away from her at the end. Scarlett has always had a thing for Ashley, always loved him above everyone else even though she marries 3 other people. In the end though I think Scarlett did love Rhett soemthing fierce but she just realized it too late. Rhett leaves, IMO, because he just doens't want to 'compete' with Ashley anymore. This bull headed couple is the main love story through the movie and I love it because they are so much the same. both are stubborn, spoiled and selfish and so they really are perfect for eachother. Scarlett does piss me off though. I used to want to be her as kid, in hind sight it was propbably because of all her goregous dresses and the flocks of men throwing themselves at her. But now, watching it as an adult, I find her rather juvenille at best and wnat to smack some sense into her.

I'm more drawn now to Melanie and Ashley. They have a quiet, strong kind of love. While there are times where I just want to punch Ashley as he falls for the temptations that Scarlett throws his way sometimes, he redeems himself when you find out just how much he loves his wife. He would do anything for her up until the end where he still chooses to be with her as shes dying. Proving once and for all that he will never be with Scarlett as Melanie is the love of his life. This is the kind of love that I should have been hoping for as a child. Not the volitle crazy love that Rhett and Scarlett have, bt the everlasting kind of love. The kind that just by looking at the two of them you just know that they will always be there for eachother.

I'm lucky though, I've found a good mix. You can have passion and feirce love without losing the everlasting quality of it. I found a good one.

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